Ex Natcom D.G Baba Mohammed Wanted by Police for Interrogation

The Nigerian Police are currently in pursuit of former Natcom Director-General, Baba Mohammed who failed to attend a scheduled invitation regarding alleged criminal activities. 

Mohammed was asked to appear at the Zonal Criminal Investigation Department following accusations of criminal conspiracy, breach of trust, forgery, and impersonation.

His non-compliance could be related to a lack of confidence from the Natcom board and the appointment of Otunba Dr Adejare Rewane Adegbenro as acting DG.

Natcom has consistently advised the public to avoid any involvement with Baba Mohammed concerning Natcom, as he has been legitimately removed from the position. Anyone who does will face the wrath of the law 

Natcom is the National Commission for the Coordination and Control of Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (NATCOM).

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