64th Birthday: Gov. Abiodun's Legacy Will Be Remembered for Generations - ACOMORAN Chairman

The Chairman of the of Amalgamation of Commercial Motorcycle Owners, Riders, and Repairers Association of Nigeria (ACOMORAN) in Ogun State Kayode Showunmi has said that Governor Abiodun's legacy would be remembered for generations to come, and his contributions to the development of Ogun State would be forever appreciated.

He disclosed this in a statement while congrtulating the Governor on his 64th birthday anniversary on Monday.

 Showunmi described Governor Abiodun as a trailblazer who has brought unprecedented development to the state.

According to Showunmi, Governor Abiodun's achievements have been remarkable, and his commitment to the welfare of the people is evident in his policies and programs.

The ACOMORAN chairman praised the governor's efforts in transforming the state's economy, particularly in the areas of agriculture, infrastructure, and education.

Showunmi also commended the governor's leadership style, which he said has brought peace and stability to the state.
He noted that Governor Abiodun's administration has created an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, and his support for the commodity market operators has been invaluable.

Showunmi expressed his gratitude to the governor for his unwavering support and encouragement, which he said has motivated the association to continue working hard for the development of the state.

" I pray that Almighty God should continue to give him good health, wisdom, and strength to continue to lead the state to greater heights.

"I also want to use this opportunity to call the people of Ogun State to join me in celebrating the governor's birthday and continue to support his administration."


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