Arrest of Murderers: NNPP Applauds Ogun Police On Fatinoye's Case

New Nigeria People's Party(NNPP) Ogun State chapter has commended the State police command for the apprehension of gruesome murderers of the Fatinoye's Family.

The chairman of the party SUNDAY OGINNI while sympathizing with the family of the deceased, appreciated the efforts of the police command for bringing the criminals to book.

 The Chairman urged other police command to emulate the spirit of doggedness from ogun command towards discharging their duties.

" I want to commend the ogun state police command they have done so well and we wants to say kudos to the team that apprehended the Fatinoye's killer especially the master minder of the crime.

"We want to say ogun police has demonstrated that Nigeria police are able and capable of curtailing this insecurity and bringing all these criminals to book.

"I want to commend the new commissioner of Police Frank Mba for a job well done and all team of police command ogun state and I think this is commendable. 

"And want to appeal to other command to learnt from what is happening in Ogun State because they made it a point of duty that these criminals are brought to book and this will checkmate other people with criminal minded people that they can't go scout free all kind of law is going to cut off with anybody that tried to mess up in the state".

Also, the chairman appealed to the state governor for more adequate support to the command for effective outcomes; hence advised citizens to be more vigilant with their house maids 

"I'm now appealing to the governor of the state not to be ineptitude in this efforts of the Nigeria police he also needs to give support because our own governor of Ogun state under the leadership of New Nigeria people's party we are ready to keep giving support to the Nigeria police to ensure a safe state for all our citizens for everyone to sleep with their two eyes closed.

"What happens to the Fatinoye's can happens to anybody because of their trust in their domestic maid and I want our people not to relent their efforts to be careful about most of these maids and worker having said that the Nigeria Police ogun command I say kudos to your efforts to bring these criminals to book.

Meanwhile, Oginni called for a quick prosecution of the murderers to served a deterrent for criminal minded people.

"I want to say that the prosecution of these criminals shouldn't take time there must be speedy action to court because this is a clear murder case and the gruesome murder of wiping out the whole family is something that tell us those criminals are animalistic in nature and are people who supposed not to be in the society for long, 

"we do not need keeping them in the cell with other inmate, they needed to be wiped away from our society with the long hands of the law and this is what I think should be done the justice must not be delayed and very quick enough to served as deterrent for others criminal minded people that ogun state is not a save haven for criminals".

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