Ago Iwoye indigenes request for parting gift from Vice President Yemi Osinbajo

Dear Uncle, 

Request for your parting gift as Nigeria Vice President.

Your Excellency Sir, let me quickly commend your selfless/tireless efforts and contributions towards the rapid economic growth, infrastructural developments, peaceful environment in terms of improved /adequate security and positive transformation of Nigeria  in the last eight years. Your efforts so far has been so meaningful and impactful therefore, posterity will be kind to you.

Your Excellency Sir, please permit me to humbly remind you that the current National Assembly has forwarded an official communication to the Presidency through the office of the Chief of Staff precisely on the 9th of February, 2022 in respect of the National Assembly approval of the establishment of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Ako, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State but still awaiting presidential assent.

This very important bill was sponsored by the House of Representatives Deputy Minority Whip, Rt Hon. Adesegun Adekoya who is representing Ijebu North/Ijebu East/ Ogun Waterside federal constituency.

Your Excellency Sir, the good people of Ogun East (Ijebu/Remo)in particular and Ogun State in general want your direct and personal intervention towards ensuring that President Muhammad Buhari (GCFR) gives his assent to this very important/ historic bill. We are banking on your peaceful/harmonious working relationship and  loyalty to President Muhammad Buhari to get this job easily done for us.

Your Excellency Sir, you're definitely aware that all the federal academic institutions in Ogun State are located outside Ogun east senatorial district (Ijebu/Remo) be it University, Polytechnic or College of Education.

The establishment of this proposed /approved Federal College of Education (Technical) in Ogun east will be historical and your name will be written in gold if you can give us this Federal College as your parting gift.

Your Excellency Sir,  your name will definitely join the list of notable Ogun east great minds who facilitated legacy projects such as the late sage Chief Obafemi Awolowo - Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Chief Olabisi Onabanjo - Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye and Otunba Gbenga Daniel (OGD) - Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun.

I'm very optimistic that Ogun State government will be willing to release the facilities of the abandoned model school located in Ago-Iwoye for the quick take off of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Ako, Ago-Iwoye.

Your Excellency Sir, the benefits of this federal College of Education when finally established will be great and enormous to the entire people of Ogun State and beyond especially in term of employment opportunities etc.

This Federal College of Education (Technica)l Ako, Ago-Iwoye is the parting gift that we collectively require from you as your kinsmen. 

Your Excellency Sir, may this our simple request meet your kindness and favour.

Thank you Your Excellency, we wish you safe landing while assuring you of an historic welcome back home after the 29th of May, 2023.

We are always proud of you Sir.

Prince Taiwo Nodiru
(Oyilaki Obaomo) Ago-Iwoye, Ijebu
Ogun State.

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