An Open Letter Of Appreciation To His Excellency, Governor Dapo Abiodun

By Hadi Sani

I write to you today with gratitude and admiration for the rare and remarkable opportunity you have bestowed upon me to be a part of your administration. I am filled with profound appreciation for the responsiveness and responsibility that your government has exhibited, especially towards non-indigenes specifically Arewa Community of Ogun State. The privilege of serving as a part of your government has been an honor beyond measure.

Your vision, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the people of Ogun State have been truly remarkable. Under your exceptional leadership, Ogun State has witnessed unprecedented growth, development, and progress. 

Your administration's tireless efforts in improving infrastructure, education, healthcare, agriculture, security, peaceful coexistence and socio-economic empowerment have left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals across the state.

I am immensely grateful to you, Your Excellency, for recognizing my capabilities and offering me the opportunity to contribute to the transformational journey of Ogun State. Working within your administration has been an enlightening experience, allowing me to witness the depth of your passion for the betterment of our beloved state.

Beyond the creation of the office of the special assistance on inter ethnics affairs, the various initiatives and policies that have been implemented under your stewardship have resulted in tangible benefits for the non-indigenes and made Ogun State emerge as the most Peaceful Coexistence State in Nigeria. 

Your inclusive and collaborative approach to governance has fostered an environment of trust, transparency, and accountability. 

Your administration's commitment to citizen participation and engagement has ensured that the needs and aspirations of the people remain at the forefront of policy making. It is truly inspiring to witness a government that listens to its team, citizens and acts responsively and responsibly to address their concerns.

Moreover, Your Excellency, I commend your efforts in promoting a peaceful and secure environment for all residents of Ogun State regardless of any religious or ethnic coloration. 

The collaboration between your administration, security agencies, and community leaders and most especially the non-indigene of this state has ensured that our state remains a safe haven for its people. 

Your dedication to the welfare and well-being of every citizen is truly remarkable. We have never had it so beautiful in this state. The impact it has had on the lives of all non-indigenes of the state will be remembered for generations to come.

I am eternally grateful for the trust you have placed in me and the invaluable opportunities for growth and contribution that you have provided. Your leadership has not only inspired me but also instilled in me a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to public service. I am humbled to be a part of an administration that has set the bar high and continues to surpass expectations.

As I reflect on the journey we have embarked upon, Your Excellency, I am filled with deep appreciation for your compassion, wisdom, and dedication to the people of Ogun State.

Once again, I express my profound gratitude for the privilege of being a member of your administration. 

Your Excellency, please accept my sincere appreciation for your guidance, support, and the extraordinary opportunities you have afforded me.

May the good Lord continue to blessed and guide you as you lead Ogun State towards a brighter future. 

Igbega ipinle Ogun continue

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