Pelican Valley to Offer Interest-Free Credit Loans to Ogun Journalists for Self-Sustainability

As part of his effort to support journalists in Ogun State and promote self-sustainability, Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited, a leading real estate firm, is considering launching a platform to provide interest-free loan facilities to journalists with existing and functional 'second address' projects.

The Chief Executive Officer of Pelican Valley, Ambassador Babatunde Adeyemo, revealed this exciting initiative during a courtesy visit by the Ogun State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) executive. 

The four-man delegation, led by Com. Wale Olanrewaju, Chairman of the NUJ, expressed their desire to establish a symbiotic relationship and partnership with the firm. 

Among their proposals was the development of the first Ogun Journalists Estate, complete with a Newsroom named in hou oknor of the late Mass Communication scholar, Professor Lai Osho.

Ambassador Adeyemo, a multiple-award-winning realtor, emphasized his commitment to the concept of a 'second address' not only for journalists but also for politicians and political office holders, as a means to avoid economic vulnerability. By combining his passion for real estate with news reporting, he aims to help individuals achieve financial security.

Encouraging journalists in Ogun State to explore the idea of a 'second address,' Ambassador Adeyemo asserted that such ventures could shield them from potential future financial challenges. 

He applauded Com. Wale Olanrewaju for his transformative work at the Council Secretariat Okelewo and expressed confidence in his ability to succeed in any local government leadership role.

Speaking on behalf of Pelican Valley, the Anti-corruption ambassador assured the Ogun NUJ leadership of the firm's willingness to establish a fruitful partnership with the state Council across various mutually beneficial areas.

With Pelican Valley's proposed interest-free loan facilities, Ogun journalists can now pursue their aspirations without the burden of high-interest rates, fostering self-reliance and prosperity in the media community.

"Having considered the economic vulnerability of an average journalist in Nigeria, using my personal experience as a case study, I decided in the course of time to combine my news reporting with real estate business, so as not to lose my economic power and become economically vulnerable, which might eventually affect my objectivity in news reporting.

“As they say, ‘he who pays the piper dictates the tune.’ This singular conviction and adventure gave birth to the Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited and our numerous estates today.

“Today, Pelican Valley has not only become an household name but I, as the CEO of the estate firm, has become the poster boy of the real estate sector in Ogun state, having established one of the fastest growing Estates in the state.

“I am an unrepentant advocate of second address, not only to the Nigerian journalists, but also to some of our politicians and political office holders, who see political offices not as a service to humanity, but a business venture.

“In view of the above development and our zeal to bring in more journalists into the ‘second address’ drag net, Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited is proposing a platform where journalists who are already into an existing and functioning ‘second address projects’ can be encouraged with an interest – free soft loans to propel their aspirations further and encourage them to be on the path to self-sustainability.

“This intervention should not be perceived as a national cake as disbursement would be personally scrutinized by us and will be one hundred percent based on merit.”

Adeyemo noted that in recognition of the critical role journalism practice in Ogun State had played in the birth and life of Pelican Valley, the real estate firm humbly facilitated the building of the present Iwe Iroyin mosque, two years ago, among other soft and private empowerments to vulnerable members of the Council.

He, therefore, appealed to the national leadership of NUJ to look into the Union’s constitution and create a space to accommodate non – practicing professionals like him and others as full fledge members, urging the body not to cast its heroes away in perpetuity.

“We cannot continue to throw away our heroes,” he advised.

Speaking earlier, Com. Olanrewaju hailed Dr. Adeyemo for his landmark achievements in real estate business and attributed the success story of the Pelican Valley Nigeria Ltd to the upright and responsible manner the CEO had conducted himself when he was in an active journalism practice.

The Ogun NUJ boss described Adeyemo as a man of integrity and dependable character, saying these attributes earned him the trust and confidence of investors in his real estate business, also assuring him that the Council’s consistent support any day.

Olanrewaju, however, used the visit to intimate him of basic facilities and infrastructural needs of the Council and solicited his support to address them.


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