Comedian Olukoyejo Morenikeji, also known as 'Koye,' is set to elevate entertainment standards in Ogun state with his upcoming show, 'Koye Live In Concert' (KLIC).
In a media engagement at the NUJ Secretariat, Iwe Iroyin, on Monday, Koye expressed his commitment to shift residents' focus from Lagos to Ogun for quality entertainment, aiming to spark a cultural and economic revival in the state.
His words “Every year during festival period I found out that Ogun state generally sees more fun in going to Lagos and the truth is that we have the facility here we have everything we need to push a Lagos standard here we are not just tapping into our resources.
“When I said I was going to the stadium, people said koye it’s not possible that I should stick to OOPL or any other events center that everyone is using but I said no, let’s have this push.
“We are trying to solve a major problem the major is bringing resident of ogun state out of there house for event , people don’t really believe in going out the believe on Friday night once u go to bar u have gone out for the week.
“It’s not about entertainment fine it’s entertaining too but at least u need to go to event comedy concert, musical concert, not because u can sit down and dance , but also u can network and get to meet new people , grow the economy at large the end of the day we are employing and pushing the economy too.
“Lots of people will be able to sell there market a whole lot of vendors will be able to sell their stuff, whether we like it or not directly or indirectly we are also pushing the ideas.