Members of the Ogun State House of Assembly Committee on Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs have commended the Chairman of Abeokuta North Local Government, represented by his Vice, Mr. Ayoola Oluajo for investing the grants received from the State Government on projects that would have a direct positive impact on the lives of the people.

The Vice Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Dickson Awolaja, who stood in for the Chairman, Hon. Jemili Akingbade, gave the commendation, while appraising the budget performance of the local government councils in the State between March 2024 and March 2024.

Other members of the Committee including Honourables Tunde Tella, Fola Salami and the Minority Leader, Lukman Adeleye noted that the council had made judicious use of resources available to it, while requesting for comprehensive list of the projects and those indicating revenue collected within the period.

Taking on Abeokuta South Local Government Council, the lawmakers demanded for more clarification on how the council expended 50% of its internal revenue on running cost, while demanding more supporting documents in relation to the council's expenditure profiles.

The Chairman of Odeda Local Government Council, Dr. ( Mrs) Waliat Adeyemo, also presented the performance of her local government for the period under review. 

In their appraisal, the House Committee on Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs demanded more supporting documents relating to the lotting of some of the unserviceable properties of the council.

The Committee also appraised the budget performance of Ado- Odo/ Ota Local Government Council.


Ogun State House of Assembly Committee on Public Accounts and Anti-Corruption has tasked the Management of the State Environmental Protection Agency ( OGEPA) on the need to begin evacuation /clearing of drainages as the rains begin in earnest.

The Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Damilare Bello, gave the charge, while playing layed host to the management of the Agency led by the Permanent Secretary in the of Environment, Mr. Sam Oyeleye, in continuation of the consideration of audit report on Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government for the 2021 and 2022 financial years.

He stressed the need for the Agency to begin a vigorous enlightenment campaigns to avoid incidence of flooding in all parts of the State.

Responding, the Permanent Secretary disclosed that the Ministry of Environment was already synergizing with the Ministry of Physical Planning for all developers to obtain drainage permit in line with standard practice to  prevent erosion and flooding.

He noted that before embarking on the construction of any structure, it was important to have standard drainage system to allow free flow of water.

The Committe also considered the audit reports on the State Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency, with a commendation to the Special Adviser to the Governor in charge of the Agency, Sola Arobieke, for attracting investors into the State.

The House Committee also considered the audit reports on the State Ministry of Rural Development and the State Planning and Development Permit Authority.

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