In a major crackdown on illegal motorcycle operations, the Lagos State Taskforce impounded 164 motorcycles, commonly known as "Okadas," across various locations in the state on Tuesday. This operation was carried out under the directive of the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, CP Adegoke Fayoade.
The enforcement targeted key areas including Badagry Expressway, Mile 2, Second Rainbow Bus Stop, V-Naija Bus Stop, Alabasuru, and Berger Bus Stop, aiming to curb the illegal activities of Okada operators.
Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Adetayo Akerele, the Chairman of the Taskforce, revealed that many of the operators attempted to avoid arrest by claiming that the motorcycles belonged to soldiers, or were operated by military personnel in the vicinity.
“We faced resistance from some Okada operators who insisted that the bikes were owned by soldiers and thus untouchable,” CSP Akerele said. “I quickly dispelled that notion and issued a stern warning: there are no exceptions when it comes to enforcing the law and restoring order on our roads.”
The seized motorcycles have been transported to the Taskforce headquarters, where they will be crushed as part of the ongoing effort to eliminate illegal Okada operations in Lagos.
CSP Akerele also reminded uniformed personnel who use Okadas for transportation to ensure they are properly dressed in their official attire while riding. He urged commuters to avoid patronizing Okada operators, highlighting the significant safety and security risks they pose—not only to themselves but to all residents, as Okadas are often used by criminals for quick getaways.