Pelican Valley Brand Ambassador Pa. James, Bags Nigerian Comedy Award

 In a momentous achievement, the brand ambassador of Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited Kayode Sehinde, popularly known as Pa. James has been honoured with the prestigious Nigerian Comedy Award. 

This remarkable news was revealed by the CEO of Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited, Ambassador (Dr.) Babatunde Adeyemo, through his verified social media account on Monday, September 25, 2023.

Ambassador Adeyemo conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Sehinde, recognizing this award as a testament to his comedic prowess and dedication. 

He extended his best wishes for continued success for Mr. Sehinde in his role as the firm's Brand Ambassador.

 "Congratulations to our dear Brand Ambassador, Mr. Kayode Sehinde, popularly known as Pa. James, as he just bagged the Nigerian Comedy Award."

This award not only celebrates Mr. Sehinde's contributions to the comedy industry but also highlights the strong partnership between Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited and its esteemed Brand Ambassador, Pa. James. 

Mr. Sehinde, renowned for his comedic talent and infectious humor, has undoubtedly brought joy and laughter to countless individuals in Nigeria and beyond. 

His achievements serve as an inspiration to comedians and performers across the nation, and this award underscores his significant impact on the comedy scene.

As Mr. Sehinde continues to represent Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited as its Brand Ambassador, the company anticipates even greater success and further collaborations in the future. 

This accolade not only celebrates his comedic brilliance but also serves as a reminder of the invaluable contributions made by comedians in shaping Nigeria's entertainment landscape.

The Nigerian Comedy Award bestowed upon Mr. Kayode Sehinde is a testament to his remarkable talent and the unwavering support of Pelican Valley Nigeria Limited.

 It is a moment of pride for both the brand and the comedian, reaffirming their commitment to bringing laughter and happiness to audiences nationwide.

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